“Nikita is an outstanding young scientist who continually pushes the envelope with her testable and well-reasoned research ideas. ”
— David Rapp, PhD advisor
“Nikita first caught my attention as she was the only one achieving perfect scores on all three exams and in components of the cognitive psychology course I was teaching. She instantly functioned at the level of a graduate student [in the lab]. . . Her academic excellence, independence, and strong drive are reminiscent of just a handful of highly successful psychologists who became influential in their twenties. Nikita’s performance both in classes and in the lab far exceeds her peers, and places her at the very best of students I’ve taught or worked with at the University of Minnesota, Harvard and MIT.”
“Nikita is thoughtful, genuine, charismatic, highly organized, and dedicated to improving the world around her. She is armed with an impressive work ethic and plenty of determination to achieve her goals. Professors and staff across the University have identified her as an innovator and agent of change in a variety of settings and disciplines.”
— Kristin Farrell, Undergraduate Honors Advisor
“I have found Nikita’s positive attitude and enthusiasm to be inspiring and motivating in my own work. I credit her astute observations and desire to improve the learning environment, providing valuable insights that have led me to make numerous changes to the method of teaching writing in my Research Methods course.”
— Mark Stellmack, Undergraduate Research Advisor
“I have been a professor for a very long time and watched many successful students graduate and achieve great things. Nikita is at the top of those students, both in intellect and character. ”
— Randy (Charles) Fletcher, Professor of Psychology